QA - QC Protocols


The standard compound used for for verifying the performance of this instrument is a solution of ammonium d-10-camphorsulfonate (champhor) dissolved in water.  The stock solution is prepared by dissolving 60 mg in 100 ml distilled water.  Solutions stored in the refrigerator can be used for critical calibrations for at least eight months; in practice, the solution can be used for demonstration purposes even if it is much older and not refrigerated.  Champhor contains two CD signals.  The positive signal occurs at 291 nanometers; freshly made test solutions should have an amplitude of 190.4 millidegrees. 

Typical Champhor Results - Positive CD Peak

A 10 mm path length quartz cuvette is used for this measurement.

positive trace


Typical Champhor Results - Negative CD Peak

A 1 mm path length quartz cuvette is used for this measurement.

negative trace


Measurement Conditions

The parameter set used is called "champhor".  When measuring the positive signal, the scan range is from 350 nm to 200 nm.  When measuring the negative signal, the scan range is from 250 nm to 180 nm.

positive conditions