Experimental Section & Acknowledgements

Acknowledgement of Support - Instrument Purchase

"Purchase of the Elexsys 580 FT- EPR spectrometer used to obtain results included in this publication was supported by various Iowa State University colleges and departments, the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, and the Office of Biotechnolgy."

Acknowledgement of CIF Staff Assistance

"We wish to thank ISU Chemical Instrumentation Facility staff members <insert name(s) here> for training and assistance pertaining to the Elexsys 580 FT-EPR results included in this publication."

Experimental Section; Publication Information

The EPR system has both CW and pulsed/FT X-band capabilities. The system has four resonators for facility use, including two CW resonators (SHQE and aqueous resonators), and two FT resonators (dielectric and split-ring resonators). Additional accessories and X-band resonators can be supplied by individual research groups for special projects on the E580. The instrument is manufactured by Bruker Corporation (Billerica, MA and Karlsruhe, Germany).  Generally, staff assistance is required when using this instrument.

The amount of additional experimental detail necessary will depend upon whether you are preparing a manuscript, a poster, a presentation, or including the information in your thesis.

Saving an experiment on the ELEXYS E580 EPR produces two data files, with the extensions *.DTA and *.DSC. Opening the *.DSC file with a text editor will allow you to view all of the acquisition parameters. (Notepad/Wordpad on PC or TextEdit on Mac, or any editor of your choice). A portion of an example .DSC file is pasted below, with important parameters in red. These parameters will vary from one experiment to another. 


OPER    xuser
DATE    06/19/15
TIME    11:07:12
AXS1    B0VL
A1CT    0.3
A1SW    0.4
MWFQ    9.379318e+09
MWPW    0.009964
AVGS    1
SPTP    0.08192
RCAG    50
RCHM    1
B0MA    0.001
B0MF    100000
RCPH    0.0
RCOF    0.0
A1RS    4096
RCTC    0.02048
AllegroMode        False
CenterField        3335.00 G
Delay              1.0 s
FieldFlyback       On
FieldWait          Wait LED off
GFactor            2.000000
MeasuringHall      False
SetToSampleG       False
StaticFieldMon     3300.000 G
SweepDirection     Up
SweepWidth         70.0 G 
WidthTM            200.0 G

AcqFineTuning      Never
AcqScanFTuning     Off
AcqSliceFTuning    Off
BridgeCalib        100.0
Power              1.985 mW
PowerAtten         20 dB
QValue             2500

AFCTrap            True
AllegroMode        False
AllowShortCt       False
Calibrated         True
ConvFact           9.271e-09
ConvTime           20.48 ms
DModAFCTrap        True
DModAmp            1.00 G
DModCalibrated     True
DModDetectSCT      First
DModEliDelay       1.0 us
DModExtLockIn      False
DModExtTrigger     False
DModFieldMod       First
DModGain           60 dB
DModHighPass       True
DModIntegrator     True
DModModOutput      Internal
DModSignalInput    Internal
DModTimeConst      1.28 ms
DoubleModFreq      5.00 kHz
DoubleModPhase     0.0
DoubleMode         False
EliDelay           1.0 us
EnableImag         Disable
ExtLockIn          False
ExtTrigger         False
Gain               50 dB
Harmonic           1
HighPass           True
Integrator         False
IsCalibExp         False
ModAmp             1.000 G
ModFreq            100.00 kHz
ModInput           Internal
ModOutput          Internal
ModPhase           0.0
Offset             0.0 %
QuadMode           False
QuadPhase          90.0
ResCenter          62.5 mm
ResLength          40 mm
Resolution         4096
Resonator          1
SctNorm            True
SctRevision        DSC2
SignalInput        Internal
SpuExtension       False
SweepTime          83.89 s
TimeConst          0.08 ms
TimeExp            False
TuneCaps           48