About CIF

Chemical Instrumentation Facility Mission

The mission of the Chemical Instrumentation Facility (CIF) is to provide analytical instrumentation services and consultation in the areas of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectrometry, X-Ray Diffraction, Spectrophotometry, and other related areas. These services include operation, training, purchase, and assistance in experimental planning and data interpretation as it pertains to the facility instrumentation. CIF is administered by the Chemistry Department, but exists to support chemical research campus-wide. 

We typically work with graduate students and other researchers. The primary focus is training students to use our instruments to further their research.  In limited cases, we will run samples for researchers. We also assist other academic institutions and Iowa businesses. Fees are charged for use of the instrumentation. ISU Research Park-affiliated companies are charged at the external rate.

Internal (ISU) Rates     External (non-ISU) Rates

For more information about how we can assist you, please drop by or contact one of the CIF staff directly. The office is typically staffed from 8:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Most of the lab doors are unlocked during the day, but require access cards to allow entry in the evenings and on weekends. You must be registered with the Chemistry Department in order to use our services. Please see the Forms Page for details. 

NMRDr. Sarah Cady (Manager)1234 Hach515-294-5805sdcady@iastate.edu
Mass SpecDr. Kamel Harrata (supervisor)1236 Hach515-294-4057kamel@iastate.edu
X-rayDr. Arkady Ellern (supervisor)1711 Gilman515-294-7956ellern@iastate.edu
SpectroscopyDr. Brett Boote (supervisor)1234 Hach515-294-5975bboote@iastate.edu