AV 400 Solids

Summary AV 400 machine

The Bruker Avance 400 Spectrometer features a 9.4 Tesla/400MHz wide bore magnet. Topspin 1.3 software is used for data acquisition and processing. Data can also be processed using the third party MNova software. Due to the specialized nature of solid-state NMR, samples submissions are accepted for researchers with only one or two samples. Researchers with lengthy projects requiring solid-state NMR can be trained to run experiments independently. Instrument features include:

  • 4 mm triple resonance solids probe, capable of spinning speeds up to 15 kHz. In double resonance mode, the probe can tune from 15N - 11B. In triple resonance mode, the low frequency (Y) channel can tune from 15N to 13C and the high frequency (X) channel from 13C to 31P.  Variable temperature range of -100 to +100 °C.
  • AirJet chiller for VT experiments in the -30 °C to +100 °C range.

The instrument is located in 1702 Gilman Hall.  Enquiries should be directed to Dr. Sarah Cady or Dr. Shu Xu. Phone 515-294-5975 (Hach office/NMR lab), 515-294-4057 (Gilman NMR lab).


"Purchase of the AVIII 600 NMR spectrometer used to obtain results included in this publication was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DBI 0421374."

Rates FY'21

This instrument is intended to be used by students and other researchers. Staff will provide training and some initial methods development assistance, and will configure the instrument and assist with special projects as required.  The hourly rates are listed below.  NOTE:  There is a minimum billable increment of twelve minutes.

User CategoryFY '21 Hourly RatesStaff Assistance
ISU researchers$6.00$30.00
Non-ISU academic users$9.00$45.00
Non-academic users$18.00$90.00


AV-400 Solids Resources