Other Instruments
In addition to the instrumentation in the NMR, Mass Spectrometry, and X-Ray laboratories, CIF provides a range of additional instruments, including various spectrophotometers, a combustion analyzer, two autoclaves, and a super-speed centrifuge. Generally, the user is required to provide their own sample preparation and sample handling devices. These sorts of widgets seem to disappear on occasion, and replacement costs are not including in the rate structure calculation.
For training and to discuss access and capabilities, please contact Sarah Cady, 515-294-5975.
Additional Resources
We also maintain a large assortment of useful spare parts including electrical and electronic components, vacuum fittings, various types of hardware, o-rings, nuts and bolts (metric and standard), fuses, et cetera. We also have a supply of computer parts, new and old. In most instances, we will either give you the part at no charge, or require you to replace it when you can. We have a range of test equipment, including multimeters, oscilloscopes, flow meters, leak testers, and so forth. If we have it, you are welcome to borrow it. For a more extensive list, visit the Electronics Shop.
The rule is that test equipment must be returned within 24 hours of the time it is borrowed!