Agilent 7250 GC Q-TOF

7250 GC Q-TOF machine

Agilent 7250 GC Q-TOF MSMS  with FID detector

  • Resolution greater than 30,000 and mass assignment accuracy better than 2 ppm.
  • Ultrafast 160 GHz digitizer allowing up to 50 scans per second.
  • Ultrastable EI source using co-axial filament design for low EV measurements in lieu of CI.
  • Quadrupole – TOF arrangement optimized for automated MS/MS measurements.


The instrumentation excels at providing precise mass spectrometry analyses on complex mixtures. Among the many features of the new instrument is its ability to measure molecular weights with very high accuracy thus preventing false and ambiguous results. In fact, this instrument is capable of measuring masses to better than a 1ppm accuracy which enable the scientist to pinpoint the molecular formula of unknown chemicals. This is especially exciting opportunity for researchers from a broad research interest that include organic and inorganic synthetic chemists, environmental and energy researchers, plant scientist, and renewable energy researchers.

The instrument was acquired through the support of the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, a matching grant from the Agilent Academic Incentives program, and additional funding from the Department of Chemistry.  The GC-TOF is housed in the Chemical Instrumentation Facility, which provides expertise and instrumentation to student and faculty researchers from all departments at Iowa State.

The instrument is located in 1238 Hach Hall.  Enquiries should be directed to Dr. Kamel Harrata.

FY'20 Rates

The instrument is operated both by staff and by students and other researchers.  Staff will provide training and assistance with initial methods development. In some cases staff will analyze submitted samples.  The hourly rates are listed below.  NOTE: There is a minimum billable increment of one hour.

User CategoryInstrument ChargeStaff Assistance
ISU researchers$30.00$30.00
Non-ISU academic users$45.00$45.00
Non-Academic usesrs$90.00$90.00


Agilent 7250 Accurate Mass QTOF manual

Reservation: use Outlook calendar (with permission)