BMT Sterivap 446 and Primus PSS5 Autoclaves
The BMT Sterivap 446 is located in 1211 Hach Hall. Please contact Shu Xu for training, 515-294-5975 (office).
The Primus PSS5 is located near 3206 Gilman Hall. Please contact Arkady Ellern for training, 515-294-7956 (office).
Rates FY'18
The autoclaves are Chemistry Department resources managed by the CIF group. All maintenace fees are paid for by the Chemistry Department. There is currently no charge for use of the autoclaves by ISU Chemistry researchers. Access is "walk-on", but traininig is required. Researchers from other ISU departments may be granted limited access in emergencies.
User Category | Instrument Charge |
ISU Chemistry Department | no charge |
Other ISU researchers | training fee - $30.00 |
Non-ISU academic users | not available for use |
Non-academic users | not available for use |
Autoclave Resources