Acknowledging CIF Staff and Instrumentation Funding
The assistance of CIF staff should be acknowledged in manuscripts, conference proceedings, thesis dissertations and lectures, when data collected using facility instruments is being discussed. In most cases a simple "thank you" in the publication or presentation will be sufficient, but on certain occasions staff assistance may rise to the level where co-authorship should be considered. There is specific co-authorship guidance posted on the X-Ray Diffraction page; for other situations, please discuss the issue of co-authorship with your major professor and the CIF staff person involved. The principal author of the publication will normally have the final say in the matter.
Most of the instrumentation in CIF was funded in part by federal agencies such as NSF, NIH, DOE, etc. Some instrumentation was funded in part by the ISU Foundation, ISU departments or colleges, or other private donations. Example acknowledgement paragraphs and funding data are copied below, and can also be found at the Experimental Section and Acknowledgements link at the bottom of each instrument page. You must properly acknowledge instrumentation financial support in your thesis and in all publications and presentations containing data or results obtained using these instruments. There is a link to specific funding information at the bottom of each instrument page. If there is no funding information on the page, the instrumentation funding acknowledgement does not need to be included in your publication. You should still include staff/facility acknowledgement in such cases.
Acknowledgement of CIF Staff Assistance
"We wish to thank ISU Chemical Instrumentation Facility staff members <names> for training and assistance pertaining to the XYZ spectrometer results included in this publication."
Acknowledgement of NSF Support - Instrument Purchase
"Purchase of the XYZ spectrometer used to obtain results included in this publication was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ABC 1234567. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."
"Purchase of the XYZ spectrometer used to obtain results included in this publication was supported by the ISU Foundation, the College of LAS and the College of Engineering."