Elemental Analysis


combustion elemental analyzer
Thermo FlashSmart 2000 CHNS/O Combustion Elemental Analyzer

This instrument measures the %C, %H, %N, %S and, in a separate measurement, %O content of organic samples, using classical combustion analysis techniques. Non-combustible substrates with an organic component can also be analyzed.  For best results, samples should be finely powdered and very dry. We also have the capability to measure liquids, gels, or viscous samples with a capsule sealer. Please see the sample submission instructions. Samples are run in batch mode with along with calibrants and standards. We have an undergraduate lab assistant available approximately 5-6 hours each week to weigh and prepare the samples for analysis. The analyzer is typically run once per week, depending on demand. The instrument accuracy specification is +/- 0.3% based upon a triplicate analysis.

The instrument is located in 1240 Hach Hall. Samples and completed sample forms must be reviewed by staff prior to acceptance for analysis. Enquiries should be directed to Dr. Sarah Cady, 515-294-5805 (office).

Rates FY'23

This instrument is used primarily by staff. The rate includes weighing standards for the beginning of the run, weighing of samples, sample tins, combustion column consumables, running samples, and data analysis. Staff may provide training to researchers with special sample requirements, and groups who weigh their own samples may do so at a discount of 33%. Special samples may include: air-sensitive, volatile, requiring heating or ball grinding or other special preparation equipment that is not available in our lab. A capsule press is available for air-sensitive or volatile samples. Staff will assist with preparing the combustion column and the sample table prior to the run for self-weighed samples. 

Rates are per replicate; each sample is normally run as a duplicate or triplicate. The per-replicate rates are listed below, per sample rate is 2x or 3x depending on your requirements. CHNS runs are completely separate from Oxy runs, and require a separate set of replicates and are a separate charge. Halogenated samples are a higher charge, due to the requirement of silver capsules for halogenated samples, and a faster degradation of the quartz combustion tubes, resulting in fewer samples that can be run on a single combustion tube. 

User CategoryPer Replicate (CHNS)Per Replicate (CHNS Halo)Per Rep (O)
ISU Researchers$13.00$18.00$18.50
Non-ISU academic users$19.50$27.00$27.75
Non-academic users$39.00$54.00$55.50
User CategoryCHNS self weighCHNS Halo self weighO self weigh
ISU Researchers$8.60$12.00$12.20
Non-ISU academic$12.90$18.00$18.30

Thermo FlashSmart 2000 Resources