The D8 VENTURE diffractometer is based on Bruker's D8 goniometer with kappa--geometry. The system includes a Photon CMOS detector, Mo-ImS microsource and Oxford Cryosystem 800 low temperature Device. The instrument produces data of excellent quality for both normal structure determination, and electron density experiments. Normally samples are submitted for analysis, but user training is provided upon request. The student must have completed a formal crystallographic course at ISU or other institution before training will be scheduled.
The instrument is located in 1709 Gilman Hall. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Arkady Ellern. Phone 515-294-7956 (office). The instrument can be reserved online using iLabs. Reservation approval is required.
FY'18 Rates
User Category | Structure Determination | Instrument Time | Staff Assistance |
ISU Researchers | $112.50 ($157.50) | $12.00 (4 hr) $3.00 (20 hr) | $30.00 |
Non-ISU academic users | $168.75 ($236.35) | $18.00 (4hr) $4.50 (20 hr) | $45.00 |
Non-academic users | $337.50 ($472.50) | $36.00 (4 hr) $9.00 (20 hr) | $90.00 |
Venture D8 Resources
- Users Manual for Venture D8 Single Crystal Diffractometer
- Sample submission instructions and forms
- Experimental section and acknowledgements
- QA-QC protocols