Acknowledgement of NSF Support - Instrument Purchase
"Purchase of the 400 MR NMR spectrometer used to obtain results included in this publication was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CHE 0946687."
"Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."
Acknowledgement of CIF Staff Assistance
"We wish to thank ISU Chemical Instrumentation Facility staff members <insert name(s) here> for training and assistance pertaining to the 400 MR results included in this publication."
Experimental Section & Publication Information
The 400 MR NMR spectrometer features a narrow bore 9.4 tesla superconducting magnet from Agilent Technologies (Santa Clara, CA). The amount of additional experimental detail necessary will depend upon whether you are preparing a manuscript, a poster, a presentation, or including the information in your thesis.
The 400 MR is operated using VNMRJ 3.1. Every data file acquired with VNMRJ has associated files with many of the relevant parameters from the acquisition. This data file can be accessed by opening the associated files in a text editor, or through VNMRJ. These files typically do not contain information about the temperature or sample rotation speed at which the data was acquired.
For measurements on the 400 MR, this data file may include:
- Pulse sequence
- Number of scans (nt)
- Acquisition time (at)
- Pulse lengths in microseconds (pw - typically conveted to kHz for publication - i.e. 5 us = 50 kHz pulse)
The spectrometer frequencies for many typical nuclei are as follows:
- 1H = 399.80 MHz
- 19F = 376.05 MHz
- 31P = 161.79 MHz
- 11B = 128.23 MHz
- 13C = 100.51 MHz
- 29Si = 79.41 MHz
- 2H = 61.36 MHz
- 15N = 40.51 MHz
There is one probe available for the 400 MR:
- OneNMR pulse-field-gradient probe capable of auto tuning to nuclei from 15N - 19F. This probe uses the 1H channel for 19F experiments. The probe is also capable of variable temperature experiments in the range of -80 to +130 °C.