Sample Submission

Single Crystal Sample Submission

Samples for X-ray Structure Determination should be submitted directly to Supervisor of X-ray lab, Dr. Arkady Ellern, room 1711 Gilman Hall. The request with attached Submission Form in EXCEL format has to be e-mailed to for EACH SAMPLE. The e-mail reply with the suggested time of an appointment will be sent. This procedure is preventing unexpected delays and time overlapping with other customers.

Samples should be of good optical quality initially and will be evaluated under a microscope to screen their quality. Samples passing the optical test will then be screened by photographic methods and a decision will be made as to whether a successful structure solution could be obtained. See details of X-ray structure determination procedure here.

Air stable or solvent sensitive samples can be handled routinely in the laboratory.

Air sensitive samples should be better submitted mounted in a sealed capillary tube. On the other hand, we have some facilities for handling air sensitive crystals. We also have a lot of experience in growing crystals from liquids. Time of submission and possible handling procedures for such non-routine experiments have to be discussed with Dr. Arkady Ellern well in advance.

Anyone is welcome to have any required consultations regarding growing, handling, submitting and mounting crystals.

Powder Diffraction Sample Submission

Submitted powder samples should be of a uniform particle size and stable. Thin film samples can be submitted upon consultation with the staff.  The ability to examine air sensitive powders is available upon consultation with the staff.

Using APEX II CCD by Authorized Users

Single crystal data sets for X-ray structure determination are normally acquired by the staff, but authorized users are allowed to collect their own single crystal data . The instrument time has to be reserved in advance. Please contact Dr. Arkady Ellern.

Using SCINTAG XRD by Authorized Users

Data Collection on Scintag XRD:

Powder or thin-film data collection should be generally done by the user after receiving appropriate training.  Data will be collected by the laboratory personnel only on a limited basis by special request. Please contact Dr. Ellern to receive training, or for permission to submit samples.