Acknowledgement of NSF Support -Bruker IFS66V Instrument Purchase
"Purchase of the Bruker IFS66V FTIR used to obtain results included in this publication was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DBI 9413969."
"Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."
Acknowledgement of University Support -Bruker Tensor 37 Instrument Purchase
"Purchase of the Bruker Tensor 37 FTIR used to obtain results included in this publication was supported by various departments, the LAS and Engineering colleges, and the Iowa State University Office of the Vice President for Research."
Acknowledgement of CIF Staff Assistance
"We wish to thank ISU Chemical Instrumentation Facility staff members <insert name(s) here> for training and assistance pertaining to the <Bruker IFS66V FTIR> <Bruker Tensor 37 FTIR> results included in this publication."
Experimental Section Information
"Infrared spectra were acquired using a <Bruker IFS66V> <Bruker Tensor 37> Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (Bruker Optics, Billerica, MA)...."
For most publications or presentations it may only be appropriate to include the resolution, wavelength range, and number of scans co-added. For example:
Typical mid-IR data parameters:
- resolution = 4 cm-1
- scans co-added (sample and reference) = 16
- spectral range = 4000 cm-1 to 400 cm-1
- spectral type = transmittance (or absorbance)
In your thesis you may want to include a more complete listing of parameters used, including a description of the spectral manipulations (baseline correction, peak-picking, et cetera). These can be only be obtained by opening the datafile in OPUS.
Once the datafile is loaded in the the OPUS browser, right-click on the filename and choose "Show Parameters". A Report Display tab will open composed of multiple pages of parameters. Each page can be selected and/or printed separately.