Access Request Form

Access Request Form

Access to the CIF labs is controlled by key card. Hach Hall labs unlock after 8 a.m. when the first person presents their key card, and lock daily at approximately 5:30 p.m. Gilman Hall labs are locked 24/7. All labs are locked on weekends and University holidays, and the week in between Christmas and New Year's. CIF staff also manage access to the Keck Microfabrication Facility.

You must be in the ChemUser Database in order to request key access. Please complete the Chemical Services Authorization form before requesting key card access to labs. 

If your office is located outside of Hach Hall, you may also need to request access to the Hach external doors. This access cannot be granted to undergraduate students. Please indicate at the end of the form if you require external door access, and supply your ISU ID #.

You must be a trained and authorized user of instrumentation in order to request access to a room. Two labs, X-Ray and Microfab, have additional training and safety requirements.

CIF staff typically code the lab doors every Thursday afternoon, pending active requests from users. In order to access the laboratories, it is required that you have up-to-date fire safety training through EH&S. Access to the Mass Spec lab also requires compressed gas training. Access to the X-Ray lab also requires X-Ray safety training, and access will be revoked if an up-to-date certificate is not on file with Dr. Ellern. X-Ray safety training must be renewed in February of each year.

If you ever replace your ISU Card due to loss or damage, the card office will tell you that your door credentials will transfer automatically. This is only true for external doors, such as the Hach entrance. The CIF database is independent of the external door database. 

In order to code your key card, we require the hot stamp, which is a 5 or 6 digit code on the back of your ISU Card or prox card. Two examples of the hot stamp code are shown below, although your card may not be identical to these examples depending on the age of the card. If you have a very old card (prior to ~2010), please go to the ISU Card Office and get a replacement card. The replacement should be free.

Hotstamp examples are below. The leftmost example is how it will look for most recent cardholders. The other two examples are from older cards.

hotstamp example

New user, existing user adding access, or existing user with new card?
Major Professor
ISU Department
Door Access
Please select the doors for which you require access:
External Access
Do you require external access to Hach Hall? If yes, please include your 9-digit ISU ID# as well. This is NOT available for undergraduate students. (Note, if you require after hours access to Gilman Hall, you will need to request a physical key from Lisa Beierschmitt in 1605 Gilman.)
The hotstamp is a 5 or 6 digit number on the back of your ISU card, in the lower right corner. If you cannot read this number, enter 0. See the hotstamp image above if you need assistance finding the hotstamp.
Your 9-digit ISU ID # is required if you need external door access, or if you cannot read the hotstamp on the back of your ISU card.
Please leave any other comments (such as if you need the card coded by a certain date, if possible):
Confirm Submission