Service Charges

 BRUKER APEX II CCD and VENTURE D8 CCD Diffractometers

Crystal Screening                                                                     $30.00 / hour

If crystallographer is unable to find x-ray quality crystal for data collection, the charge for the actual time spent screening crystals will be charged (half- hour minimum)

Crystal Cell Determination and CCDC  Search                      $60.00

Upon request the cell parameters of the single crystal will be determined and CCDC  database searched for known substances with matching cell parameters.  Cryogen fees are included.

Complete Routine Structure Determination                           $112.50

Cell Determination and CCDC database search are included only if requested by the customer. Straightforward structure solution includes a complete X-Ray Structure Determination of the customer-submitted crystal.  After final refinement, customer will be provided with ready-for-publication results in the form of :  CIF file, Platon  CheckCIF output, color ORTEP diagram, Structure Determination Report in HTML format, SHELX intensity file (HKL) and SHELX output file (RES).

Complete Non-Routine Structure Determination                 $157.50

Difficult cases of Structure Determination and refinement require considerable extra time and effort to analyze the sample. Twinned, disordered, weakly reflected, solvent dependent and highly unstable   crystals often belong to this category. In addition to standard outputs, necessary comments are included in the CIF and HTMP files.

Cryogen Charges                                                                     $10.00 - $20.00 / experiment

All data collections in our facility are performed routinely at 173 K.  Customers can provide Liquid Nitrogen or they will be charged actual cryogen costs.

Instrument Time Charges

  • User self-collected, APEX II, first 6 hours:                           $11.45 / hour (1 hour minimum)
  • User self-collected, APEX II, additional hours:                     $5.75 / hour ($120.00 per dataset cap
  • User self-collected, VENTURE D8, first 4 hours:                 $12.00 / hour (1 hour minimum)
  • User self-collected, VENTURE D8, next 20 hours:               $3.00 / hour ($108.00 per day cap)

RIGAKU ULTIMA Powder Diffractometer

Instrument time, user self-collected (1/2 hour minimum):   $15.40 / hour

Staff Service Charges

Training and staff time for other services:                                $30.00 / hour